
Friday 18 May 2018

Worldschooling: What We're Taking


There was some work I wanted to finish off before our next BIG adventure overseas when - BAM! - we all came down with a horrid gastro and that put paid to that!

What's worse than cleaning vomit out of sheets? Cleaning diarrhoea AND vomit out of sheets! Too much information?!

Anyway, we're almost over that and now it's ADVENTURE time!!!  We will be worldschooling for the next few months; travelling and not attending traditional school.

Here's what we're taking.

1. Weekly schoolwork packets

We'll be learning by immersion (think zoos, museums, national parks, gladiator school) but there will be down time to fill so I've made up some work packs for quiet table time.

The packs contain one English and one maths activity per weekday.

I made them by cutting up workbooks and adding a few ideas from around the web.  They'll only take the kids about half an hour a day, tops.

At the front of each week is a ticksheet with that week's work, so the boys can manage their own week.

There's also a kecap (roughly pronounced 'catch-up') week for anything we don't finish (because we love Indonesian sweet soy sauce, or kecap manis).

2. Activity bag

In this I have stuff for S.T.E.A.M. and some outdoor play items to encourage motor skills.

There are over 50 activities that can be done with the items, everything from making a thumb piano to playing one-handed catch. 
  • String
  • Hacky sack
  • Pegs
  • Marbles
  • Streamers
  • Balloons
  • Hundreds and thousands (had to use these up!)
  • Skewers
  • Ziplock bags
  • Straws
  • Rubber bands
  • Feathers
  • Pom-poms
  • Google eyes
  • Post-it notes
  • Paper plates
  • Chalk
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Masking tape
  • Paddle pop sticks
  • Yahzee 
  • Playing cards
  • Hair pins
  • Medium squishy ball
They all fit in one A4 ziplock bag.

3. Kindles 

This is self-explanatory. If you have bookworms in your family, these are fantastic!

4. iPad with Homeschool Helper and a few other Apps

I'm using the Homeschool Helper App to log the educational activities we do, then at the end I can generate a report including how many hours we spent on each subject.  Nerd heaven.

We have a few educational Apps, too.  Our current favourite is Chemist.

5. Recorders 

We love our routine of playing piano twice a day, so we have bought recorders to play while away. Am I crazy to combine young boys and a bunch of recorders in small apartments and hotels?!

5. Family Adventure Journals 

We keep journals about our adventures even when we are home, and we'll continue that.

So that's a round-up of what we're taking on our worldschooling adventure!

Have I missed anything?  What would you do for a term away?  Please tell us in the comments!

Here's me packing the suitcase (low quality iPhone footage):

Thanks for reading and watching.  If you found this helpful, you might also like our post coming soon on which NAPLAN workbooks to buy.  Also coming soon, how we organise our Nature Study Backpacks and our STEM Playroom!  

UPDATE: Wow, what an amazing journey we had!  So much great learning and family bonding.  It was challenging at times, but ultimately the most wonderful life experience.  Everything we took was useful, although we didn't do much recorder playing (ehem).  Thanks to those people who followed our adventure on Instagram!

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