Here's a massive list of 100 things for kids to do outside that don't involve electronics, but DO involve lots of great learning and physical development! You're welcome.
- Make a fort
- Make slingshots
- Toast marshmallows on a campfire
- Whittle wood
- Cook bracken tips to eat
- Cook sea lettuce to eat
- Use hand-held nets to catch little fish
- Crab-hunt on mud flats
- Create a seaweed collection
- Make a nature mobile
- Make a bottle with layered sands
- Press flowers
- Make an ocean viewer from a clear plastic tub
- Play card or board games outdoors
- Read books outdoors
- Birdwatch
- Play catch
- Climb a tree
- Lift heavy rocks and logs
- Shovel
- Rake
- Dig
- Dig with a spoon
- Write in chalk
- Run through a meadow
- Play flashlight tag
- Ride a scooter
- Ride a bike
- Swim
- Do cartwheels and handstands
- Brachiate in a tree
- Hang from a rope swing
- Climb a jungle gym
- Roll down hills
- Squat and look at the ants
- Jump off things (rocks, stumps, raised garden beds)
- Spin in a circle ten times with eyes open then with eyes closed
- Rock hop at the seaside
- Go upside down on the monkey bars or swing
- Twist a swing up then let it spin you in circles
- Use a screwdriver and hammer to make something outside
- Play beach cricket
- Bodysurf
- Balance on logs and ropes
- Play tennis against a wall
- Bushwalk and bushbash
- Go orienteering
- Spot nocturnal animals with a flashlight
- Identify plants
- Explore rock pools
- Collect specimens
- Take photos
- Hop and skip
- Wrestle
- Pop popcorn over a campfire
- Crawl through a homemade tunnel
- Splash in puddles
- Race gutterboats
- Make sandcastles or sand sculptures
- Listen to birdsong and copy it
- Blow and chase bubbles
- Play flags
- Play tag
- Play hide-and-seek
- Play kick-the-can
- Skip rocks
- Catch insects in a net
- Run over sand
- Slide down dunes
- Climb fences
- Shoot Nerf guns at toilet roll targets
- Haul buckets of water
- Climb a boulder and be king of the castle
- Pull each other on a large sheet of cardboard
- Plant new flowers
- Walk up the tallest hill around
- Be swung around in circles by Daddy
- Go barefoot
- Pick fruit or berries
- Play hide-and-seek in the dark
- Bring a guitar, light candles in the dark and sing
- Collect pipis or mussels
- Get and give piggybacks
- Use sparklers in the dark
- Pop fuchsias
- Make a gnome house
- Mark trails creatively with rock arrows
- Make leaf rubbings
- Go geocaching
- Play charades outdoors
- Play 'mosquito bites' (stick a red dot sticker on each other if you say a particular word)
- Play water pistols or water bombs
- Make maps using a compass
- Learn knots
- Search for things starting with each letter of the alphabet in order
- Make and bury a time bomb
- Create an obstacle course (including reciting funny poems or songs)
- Knit
- Stargaze
- Go on a scavenger hunt to find a funny-shaped rock, a tiny shell, something orange, a piece of garbage, an animal scat, 2 kinds of seeds, and something pretty.
Time in nature rejuvenates, connects us to the Earth and to each other!
What's on your outdoor bucket list? Please do share in the comments, I'd love to see this list grow.
If you like these ideas, maybe you want to pack yourself a Nature Backpack and get out there with our Leaf Hunt Printable.
Thanks Zoe! You inspire me!